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Privacy Statement

1.     This privacy statement encompasses consents, notifications and disclosures under or in relation to the Privacy Act 1988 (as amended by the Privacy Amendment (Enhancing Privacy Protection) Act 2012) (Act).

2.     The terms of this statement operate concurrently with any pre-existing privacy statement, authorisation or notification, whether contained in our credit application, terms and conditions of trade or otherwise, save to the extent of any inconsistency in which case the terms of this privacy statement shall prevail.

3.     For the purpose of this statement, the terms “personal information”, “sensitive information”, “credit eligibility information”, “credit information”, “commercial credit purpose”, “credit guarantee purpose”, “consumer credit purpose”, “credit reporting body”, “credit provider”, “credit reporting information”, “credit reporting code” carry the same meaning as under the Act and the term “Information” means personal information, sensitive information, credit eligibility information, credit reporting information and credit information, both severally and collectively.

4.     The Supplier may collect personal information about the Applicant and/or Guarantor(s) for the Supplier’s primary purposes which include the assessment of a credit application, reviewing existing credit terms, assessing credit worthiness, collecting overdue payments, assessing credit guarantees (current and prospective), internal management purposes, marketing, sales and business development purposes and direct marketing.

5.     The Applicant and/or Guarantor(s) consent to the Supplier collecting, using and disclosing personal information (including sensitive information) for both their primary purposes specified herein and purposes other than the primary purposes, including the purpose of direct marketing.

6.     The Supplier may collect, and may already have collected, Information from the Applicant and/or Guarantor(s), other credit providers, credit reporting bodies and other third parties for the purposes of its functions and activities including, but not limited to, credit, sales, marketing and administration.   If the Information was not collected by the Supplier it may restrict or impede upon the Supplier trading with, extending credit to, continuing to extend credit to or extending further credit to the Applicant and/or Guarantor(s)or their related bodies corporate.

7.     The Applicant and/or Guarantor(s) consent to the Supplier obtaining and making disclosure of Information about the Applicant and/or Guarantor(s) from and to a credit reporting body and/or another credit provider for a commercial credit related purpose and/or a credit guarantee purpose and/or a consumer credit purpose and/or another related purpose.  The Supplier notifies the Applicant and/or Guarantor(s) that it may use and/or disclose credit eligibility information under section 21G of the Act.

8.     The Supplier may provide personal information about the Applicant and/or Guarantor(s) to any or all of the credit reporting bodies nominated below.  The Supplier intends to disclose default information to any or all of the credit reporting bodies listed below.  The Applicant and/or Guarantor(s) consent to such disclosure.  The Supplier’s credit reporting policy contains a statement of notifiable matters in accordance with s21C of the Act and items 4.1 and 4.2 of the Credit Reporting Code in respect of disclosure to credit reporting bodies including what the information may be used for, what the Supplier may disclose and the Applicant’s and/or Guarantor(s)’ right to request limitations to the use of their information.


Level 15, 100 Arthur Street


Tel: 1300 921 621

Creditor Watch 

Level 13, 109 Pitt Street


Tel: 1300 501 312


Level 2, 165 Grenfell St


Tel: 1800 882 820

Dun & Bradstreet 

Level 2, 143 Coronation Drive


Tel: 07 3360 0600


Level 6, 549 St Kilda Road


Tel: 03 9699 0100

9.     The Supplier may disclose Information to, and about them and the Applicant and/or Guarantor(s) hereby acknowledge that they consent to the disclosure of such information to the Supplier’s employees, subsidiaries, employees, agents and related bodies corporate, past, present or prospective credit providers of the Applicant and/or Guarantor(s) or their related bodies corporate, including for the purpose of that person considering whether to offer to act as guarantor or offer security for that credit, and/or overseas recipients and recipients who do not have an Australian link.

10.     By reason of the Applicant’s and/or Guarantor(s)’ consent to the disclosure to overseas recipients hereunder, APP 8.1 will not apply to the Supplier’s dealing with the Applicant’s and/or Guarantor(s)’ Information.

11.     A full copy of the Supplier’s privacy policy and credit reporting policy can be obtained from the Supplier’s website (details above) or by making a request in writing directed to the Supplier’s privacy officer.  The Supplier’s privacy policy and credit reporting policy contain information about how to access and seek correction of Information, or how to complain about a breach of the Act, APP, code(s) and how the Supplier will deal with any such complaint.

12.     The Applicant and/or Guarantor(s) will be deemed to have acknowledged and accepted the terms of this privacy statement by either signing and returning this statement, failing to provide written notification to the Supplier within 14 days of receipt of this statement that its terms are not accepted, continuing to trade with the Supplier after receipt of this Statement or, if the  Applicant and/or Guarantor(s) are directors or guarantors of a customer, by not taking steps to prevent the customer from continuing to trade with the Supplier after receipt of this statement.